The next TDM and 2016 IAH (Irish Chapter) AGM will be held on Tuesday 1st November at the Geological Survey of Ireland.
Marking the IAH Irish Group’s 40th anniversary the TDM will be given by Bob Aldwell and is entitled “A history of Groundwater Use and Development in Ireland from 1950-1976.”
The AGM will follow directly from Bob’s talk. The provisional timings for the evening are as follows:
5:30-6:00 pm – Refreshments
6:00-6:45 pm – “A History of Groundwater Use and Development in Ireland, from 1950 to 1976” by C.R. Aldwell
6:45-7:00 pm – Refreshments and set up for AGM
7:00-8:30 pm – IAH Irish Group AGM
The draft agenda for the AGM is below. Please let me ( know if you have any other items for discussion to add to the agenda before Tuesday 25th October.
There will be catering at the TDM / AGM so if you are planning to attend please let me ( know by Tuesday 25th October so we can plan for the catering.
I will forward the secretaries’ annual reports next week for review prior to the AGM.
Best wishes,
Katie Tedd
IAH Irish Group
Draft Agenda for IAH Irish Group’s AGM:
1. President’s welcome.
2. Agree 2015 AGM minutes.
3. Secretaries’ reports. Questions/discussion as appropriate.
4. Election of new committee members.
5. Topics for discussion and feedback:
(a) Update on charity and legal status
(b) Proposal to sponsor additional IAH members from developing countries
(c) Suggestion from members of topics to be covered at the 2017 IAH Irish Group conference
(d) Suggestion from members of training needs and other events for 2016-17
(e) Hosting future IAH Congress – approach by Faillte Ireland
6. AOB