Would you like to be involved in the next IAH committee?
This year marks the end of Henning Moe’s term as president of the IAH Irish Group. Henning has been a great president and has represented the IAH at home and abroad through his position on the board of the IGI, presenting papers at the IAH international conference in Croatia and through his work on some large-scale international groundwater supply projects, particularly in Tanzania. From the point of view of the committee members, Henning has done great job for us and has driven the rest of the committee on in his three years in office.
Philip Schuler, our conference secretary, is also reaching the end of his term this year. We also need someone to step up and fill this role. Through his hard work, dedication and relentless enthusiasm Philip was responsible for organising and running really great conferences over the last two years.
We are going to need a new president and conference secretary so we would like to open the floor to anyone interested in being the next president or conference secretary of the IAH Irish Group.
If you are interested in finding out any more about any of the positions please contact Barry Sexton (secretary@iah-ireland.org) or any of the current committee members.
The IAH committee meets once a month in the Geological Survey of Ireland to organise the various IAH events held throughout the year. Meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month to coincide with the Technical Discussion Meetings.
Committee members are elected and are responsible for particular events or aspects of the IAH. The conference secretary post is two consecutive years in duration whereas the presidency is three consecutive years in duration.
The conference secretary is responsible for the co-ordination of the annual conference including liaising with speakers, the conference venue and the conference sub-committee.
The president is excepted to represent the IAH at various meetings and events including the committee meetings, TDMs, IAH annual conference, IGI meetings and geoscience Ireland events.
The formal mechanism for election of committee members requires that candidates must be nominated and seconded by two current IAH members.
In practice, an email expressing your interest which is copied to the two people nominating and seconding you will suffice as a nomination. Your second may be contacted to confirm their endorsement.
Nominations should be sent to Barry Sexton secretary@iah-ireland.org by 26th of OCTOBER. If two or more nominations are received for one post then the decision will be made via a secret on-line ballot of all members. The new committee members will be announced at the 2018 AGM on the 6th of November.